Manager Zdravoochranenia 2013 #2
Published: 2013-02-08
Transformation problems of existing labor payment system in aim of implementing efficient contract into the health care (Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
The article is dedicated to problems of implementing efficient contract into the health care. Despite the presence of definite normative base, all necessary conditions for implementing efficient contract are not yet created. Moreover, approved and planned for approval normative acts do not consider a number of important issues, related to efficiency of material stimulation measures in such specific field as health care. Therefore, this article is dedicated to its analysis, as well as proposals for increase of productivity while implementing efficient contract in the field.
А new system of control of quality and safety of medical care in public health system of the Russian Federation (Sankt-Peterburg, Russia; Irkutsk, Russia)
The questions relating to the formation of a new system of quality and safety of medical care in the context of the provisions of the Federal Law. The authors note that it needs further legislative drop-ment term safety of medical practice. Offers strategic and operational scenario of gradual formation of quality control and safety of medical care. Specific recommendations managers of medical organization to develop internal documents of the internal control quality and safety of medical care.
Defining the need in hospital beds in Ryazan region (TFOMS Ryazan region, Ryazan; Russia, Samara State University, Samara, Russia)
Annotation. Modernization of health care on regional level provides deployment of optimal amount of hospital beds, corresponding to real needs of population. With the help of differentiated normatives on provision of hospital beds (V.I. Starodubov and co-authors, 2011) there is calculated a need in 24/hour stationary beds in Ryazan region.
State assignments on providing high-technological medical care: sectoral and regional aspects (Non-State Entity of Health care «Medical-health department», Astrahan, Russia)
Annotation. In the article there is presented data received while processing statistic analysis of state assignments for providing high-technological medical care in Russia. Structure indicators are counted for federal medical entities, taking part in fulfillment of state assignments as well as for various of its groups. There are distinguished main trends in the structure of state assignments. It is shown that analysis should be processed in territory aspect, according to types of medical entities and to cost level.
Evaluation of the economic efficiency of building workforce disabled after coronary bypass surgery (based approach «cost-benefit of loss») («Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy» of Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk, Russia)
The research is based on the analysis of the register of patients operated on for CHD in the period 2000–2009 in Chelyabinsk interregional cardiac center on the basis of the Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Hospital. The present article is concerned with estimation of the potential loss of employment due to disability of patients after coronary bypass surgery. Purpose — the calculation of economic damage from the underproduction of the gross regional product of the Chelyabinsk region in case of disability of the patients with coronary artery disease after coronary bypass surgery. These results allowed us to estimate lost profits for the disabled after coronary artery bypass grafting in total economic loss.
Automated monitoring system of employees functions and organizational and regular structure of clinical hospital optimization creation (Department of management and healthcare sociology Russian National Research Medical University City Clinical Hospital № 31, Ltd. «Seber», Moscow, Russia)
In article questions of creation of the automated monitoring information system of employees functions and organizational and regular structure of clinical hospital optimization are considered.
Regarding projects of normative acts, explaining the standard of provision on medical aid in maieutics A.A. Starchenko
Questions answered by expert U.A.Sorokina, Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Efficient contract in the health care Consultant: Phd. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov