All articles by Sovpel А. А.
2015 № 4 Administrative and legal principals for converting hospital nurses into cleaning personnel of manufacturing or office premises
Requirements of «May» Orders issued by the Russian President force institutions not only search for additional funds but also optimize the structure of institutions and cut expenses. One of the possible solutions — is to convert nurses into a cleaning personnel. The article represents an analysis of labour legislation and other normative acts, related to the issue of converting hospital nurses into a cleaning personnel.
2015 № 1 Changes in the Program of State guarantees for free medical aid provision to the population in 2015 and plans for 2016 and 2017 years
By issuing a resolution № 1273 dated on 28th of November 2014 the Government of Russian Federation approved a Program of State guarantees for free medical aid provision to the population in 2015. In the new revision there was a new section dedicated to program of mandatory medical insurance, the program is expanded by appendix with a list of types of high technological medical aid with the indication of average financial expenses normatives. The changes have also affected the set of normative indexes. There has been conducted an analysis of changing values of normative indexes in comparison with the program for 2014–2016 years (further-PGG 2014).