Financial management
  • 2016 № 9 Payment arrangements for interrupted case of medical care, including ultrashort course, in the system of compulsory medical insurance

    Annotation. According to the draft program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens in the years 2017–2019, when paying for medical care provided in a hospital, as well as in the provision of medical rehabilitation services in specialized medical institutions (structural units) in the compulsory medical insurance system, used payment method for interrupted, including ultrashort, the case of medical care. Issues correct compensation for the medical organization with ultrashort or interrupt the event is dedicated to the treatment of the material costs.

    Authors: Obukhova O. V. [28] Brutovа A. S. [5] Bazarova I. N. [12]

    Tags: case of treatment1 interrupted case of treatment1 methods of payment medical care1 system of compulsory medical insurance1 ultrashort case of treatment1

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  • Manager of health care consults
  • 2018 № 1 Prospects of health financing in 2018

    New 2018 in terms of funding health care will differ from the previous - it is expected a sharp increase in funding from all types of sources. However, this is due not only to increased revenues and the restructuring expenses. It becomes more rational - "saving" (for example, reducing expenditures on more costly inpatient care in the Federal budget). In the system of obligatory medical insurance is the refusal of a number of "non-core" expenditure. All of this should have a positive impact on the development of health care

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Obukhova O. V. [28] Brutovа A. S. [5]

    Tags: compulsory health insurance17 deficit6 expenses7 federal budget9 federal the mandatory medical insurance fund1 financing13 healthcare12 income6 surplus2

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  • 2017 № 1 Нealth care Funding in 2017 – another paradox: the means was less than planned for 2016, but the financial support for the industry has improved

    In recent years, the Federal budget is closely linked to the budget of the Federal mandatory medical insurance Fund – they cannot be analysed separately from each other. The Federal funding is reduced, but the budget of the Federal mandatory medical insurance Fund in 2017 favorably with previous: 2016 was suddenly executed with a surplus. Large carryovers for 2017 are not evaluated as a negative factor, as it was before, but as positive, as they relate to the refusal of the state from the withdrawal of the Federal budget planned amounts. Therefore, a sharp drop of healthcare financing from the Federal budget does not mean the deterioration in the financing industry – changing channels the movement of funds. This is due to the fact that the government became aware that the transformation of the budget of the Federal mandatory medical insurance Fund to source for other budgets will not ensure the implementation of presidential Decrees on raising wages. In addition, there have been major changes to the financing of high-tech medical care, which is not included in base program OMS –2017 it is almost completely financed by funds. In the article the analysis of dynamics and trends of health financing from different sources.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Obukhova O. V. [28] Brutovа A. S. [5]

    Tags: budget7 deficit6 expenses7 federal fund of compulsory medical insurance1 finance1 health4 income6 inflation2 obligatory medical insurance3 surplus2

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  • 2016 № 1 The paradoxes of health care funding in 2016: the system of mandatory health care insurance policies recorded extra funds, which will be withdrawn back into the federal budget

    With all complexity of current economic landscape in the country, health care remains to be one of the top priority spheres regarding financing. Despite the crisis, the volume of funds, allocated to the field is gradually increasing. However, the growth rates of spending on health care lag behind the rates of inflation. Furthermore, a significant part of the budget of Federal Fund of the mandatory medical insurance policy is not connected with the provision of medical aid in the medical mandatory insurance system. Expenditure of Mandatory Medical Insurance System is not oriented on President’s orders to increase the salaries. And despite the presence of crucial financial issues in the mandatory medical insurance system, substantial funds are withdrawn from the Federal budget of Mandatory Medical Insurance system into the federal budget.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Brutovа A. S. [5] Obuhova O. V. [5]

    Tags: budget7 compulsory health insurance policy2 deficit6 expenditure1 financing13 healthcare12 income6 inflation2 national fund of mandatory medical insurance1

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  • 2015 № 1 Changes in the Program of State guarantees for free medical aid provision to the population in 2015 and plans for 2016 and 2017 years

    By issuing a resolution № 1273 dated on 28th of November 2014 the Government of Russian Federation approved a Program of State guarantees for free medical aid provision to the population in 2015. In the new revision there was a new section dedicated to program of mandatory medical insurance, the program is expanded by appendix with a list of types of high technological medical aid with the indication of average financial expenses normatives. The changes have also affected the set of normative indexes. There has been conducted an analysis of changing values of normative indexes in comparison with the program for 2014–2016 years (further-PGG 2014).

    Authors: Brutovа A. S. [5] Obuhova O. V. [5] Sovpel А. А. [2]

    Tags: high-technological medical aid1 program of state guarantees for provision of free medical aid to the population1 standard program of mandatory medical insurance system1

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