Manager Zdravoochranenia 2016 #6

Published: 2016-06-04



    Quality of health care management
  • Order for examination of quality of medical care

    The article deals with the factors that must be considered when establishing the order of examination of quality of medical care in the Russia with the exception of medical assistance provided in accordance with the Russian legislation on mandatory medical insurance. Analyzed and systematized information on the powers of constituent entities of control of quality and safety of medical activities in feald of examination of quality of medical care. Subject to the authority of constituent entities of control of quality and safety of medical activities proposed to allocate external and internal examination of quality of medical care. The content of examination of quality of medical care carried out by medical organizations.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitsul I. S. [59] Ivanov I. V. [30]

    Tags: examination of quality of medical care1 medical activity5 medical organization53 quality control and safety of medical activity3 the expert of quality of medical care1

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  • Management in health care
  • Dynamics of injuries among adult population in Russian Federation in 2010–2014

    Dynamics of injuries among adult population based on the state statistical observations for 2010–2014 is presented. The structure, rate of out-of-hospital and hospital injuries was studied. Accuracy and completeness of injury registration was evaluated. Recommendations for close interaction in injury registration between out- and in-hospital patients were suggested.

    Authors: Ogryzko E. V. [11] Polikarpov А. V. [5] Andreeva T. M. [1]

    Tags: adult population4 injury1 rates1 structure2

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  • Financial management
  • To a question of outsourcing of motor transportation service in an emergency medical service

    The analysis of a condition of vehicle fleet of an emergency medical service in the Russian Federation testifying to need of updating about a half of cars is presented in article. One of problem solutions – outsourcing of transport service of an emergency medical service which is already successfully applied in a number of regions of the country is considered.

    Authors: Barsukova I. M. [1]

    Tags: cars of an emergency medical service1 emergency medical service2 outsourcing of transport service1

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  • Medical informational systems
  • Improving the efficiency of operation of robotic systems for medical rehabilitation through the implementation of information and telecommunication technologies

    s. Currently, the actual implementation is to study the possibilities of telemedicine and telecommunication technologies in the operation of high-tech medical equipment, such as robotic surgery and rehabilitation complexes. Increasingly in demand methods of personalized medicine, the computerization of administrative and business procedures. Widely implemented public health practice in technology automation jobs of medical specialists, registry staff, laboratories, diagnostic rooms, pharmacies, accountants and managers, electronic document management and electronic patient records. Promising is the use of information technology for telemedicine and remote of the medical-diagnostic and rehabilitation methods. The purpose of this article is to state data coverage problems in the actual practice of national health care and the analysis of the possible prospects of development of telemedicine in health care with the introduction of cluster systems.

    Authors: Karpov O. E. [5] Zamyatin M. N. [1] Daminov V. D. [1] Gercik Yu. G. [1] Gercik G. Y. [1]

    Tags: electronic data interchange1 medical engineering clusters1 person-lysed medicine1 robotic systems1 telecommunication technology1 telemedicine12

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  • Focus of problem
  • About the national healthcare system

    The reasons to of establish a national health system are given in the article. A number of problems existing in public health are mentioned there, one of the problem is the absence of equal participation of private healthcare settings in the programs of government guarantees. The advantages of the using the resources of private health care settings on a national wide scale are presented as the example of a health system of «Russian Railways».

    Authors: Plokhov V. N. [1]

    Tags: management in health care1 national healthcare system1 public-private partnership3 quality of medical services2 training of health personnel1

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  • Special opinion
  • Features of the national biological crossmatch for blood transfusion

    Knowledge of 184 physicians on the procedure of the biological crossmatch at the beginning of bloodtransfusions has been studied. Special formalized questionnaire was established for answers to the 4 questions aboutnumber of drops in 1 ml of blood; about actions during the biological crossmatch; about diagnostic monitoringmethods; about records. An ambiguous understanding of the regulatory requirements has been found. The maximumfrequency of the most popular answer to the questions was 49.1%, 44.2%, 74.5% and 47.9%, respectively. It isadvisable to change the text of the standards in order to harmonization of scientifically sound international practice.

    Authors: Zhiburt E. B. [15] Gubanova M. N. [2] Shikhmirzaev T. A. [1]

    Tags: biological crossmatch1 blood transfusion10 guidelines1 transfusion reaction1

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  • Manager of health care consults
  • High-tech medical care for patients with rare diseases problems of organization and financing

    The article analyzes the problem of providing high-tech medical care for patients with rare (orphan) diseases. The authors propose recommendations for improving organizational and financial mechanisms of the organization of medical care for patients with rare (orphan) diseases.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123] Sokolov A. A. [2] Aleksandrova O. Yu. [5]

    Tags: diseases3 high-tech medical care11 medications3 rare (orphan) diseases2

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  • Questions and answers
  • Questions answered by PhD. of Economic F.N. Kadyrov

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  • Actual normative document
  • Actual normative document

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