Management in health care
  • 2020 № 2 Evaluation of the organization and transport accessibility of medical care to rural residents

    The basis of the study was the Orenburg region. According to the MIAC health care in the Orenburg region
    in 2015, the number of rural settlements was 1036, and the number of FAPs was 945. Sociological studies were conducted
    in three pilot rural areas with different populations and distances from the regional center: Abdulinsky, Orenburg, Svetlinsky.
    The total number of adults in the three districts is 19,356. The results of a sociological survey indicate a low availability of medical assistance to rural residents, the lack of a preventive focus among doctors on the prevention of exacerbations of chronic pathology, primarily of villagers living in localities attached to FAP. The need to improve the organizational forms of the work of medical organizations in the countryside, the development of mobile field complexes and general medical (family) practices, the development of medical and social assistance in rural areas is determined.

    Authors: Kalininskaya A. A. [15] Sulkina F. A. [3] Muftakhova A. V. [2] Bayanova N. A. [4] Kizeev M. V. [6]

    Tags: access to medical care1 first-aid station (fap)1 medical organization (md)1 regional hospital (rb)1 rural medical ambulance station (ias)1 rural residents2

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  • 2017 № 1 The incidence of malignant neoplasms

    The article provides an analysis of the incidence of malignant neoplasms in Russia in dynamics for 10 years. The main feature of formation and development of cancer care in Russia is its preventive orientation. The experience of early diagnostics of malignant neoplasms expedient from the economic point of view a long-term strategy for the fight against cancer.

    Authors: Denisenko A. N. [2] Kalininskaya A. A. [15] Sulkina F. A. [3] Terentyeva D. S. [2]

    Tags: early diagnosis1 economic impact1 malignant neoplasms5 oncology7 prevention24

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  • Population and health
  • 2019 № 8 Health condition of a rural population living in different areas of medical aid accessibility

    The problem of preserving the health of the rural population is key in the concept of the development of
    rural society. Health issues of rural residents are of great social, political and economic importance. Promising areas for
    preserving and improving the health of the rural population are raising the level and quality of life of the rural population.
    Research methods: statistical, direct observation, sociological. In the course of the study, the analysis of the reporting data of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Form No. 47) was conducted, as well as the results of copying information from primary medical documentation in the pilot territory of the Orenburg Region.The results of the study indicate the need to improve the improvement of organizational forms of providing medical care to rural residents, intensify preventive and dispensary work in the village, and involve medical and social services in the village. The determining factors of public health are the lifestyle of the rural population, the financing of health care and the system of social protection of the population, the development of the agro-industrial complex that provides employment to the population. The analysis shows the need to improve the availability of care, medical activity, valeological literacy of the rural population and commitment to a healthy lifestyle, especially for residents living in the service area of the FAP.

    Authors: Kalininskaya A. A. [15] Sulkina F. A. [3] Muftakhova A. V. [2] Bayanova N. A. [4]

    Tags: district hospital (rb)1 healthy lifestyle5 obstetric point (fap)1 opinion polls1 rural population5

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