Articles with tag: «dissatisfaction with the primary health care»

    Regional informatizatian projects
  • 2018 № 4 Application of a software package for analyzing the effectiveness of a new work management of outpatient hospitals and identifying causes of patients’ dissatisfaction with primary health care

    The article presents the main approaches to the application of a software package for assessing the effectiveness of a new work management of outpatient hospitals by identifying the reasons of patients’ dissatisfaction with primary health care following citizens’ appeals and independent assessment of the quality of service delivery of medical organizations at various levels. The results of the Internet websites evaluation sometimes contain the good results of work of outpatient hospitals, but the number of justified complaints about the dissatisfaction with health care in specific medical organizations remains high. The PC allows to analyze the main causes of patients’ dissatisfaction with medical aid and substantiate specific recommendations on the formation of a new model of the work of medical organizations with the aim of significantly increased population’s satisfaction with the quality of medical care provided in outpatient settings.

    Authors: Gurov A. N. [4] Ogneva E. Ju. [1] Plutnitsky А. N. [1] Davronov I. V. [1]

    Tags: a complaint1 an independent assessment of the quality of medical services1 dissatisfaction with the primary health care1 new management effectiveness assessment1 software package2 work of the outpatient hospital1

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