All articles by E. M. Zaripova
2020 № 9 From patient-centered medicine to 4p-medicine: the semantic aspect of the trend
The step-by-step guidelines for the formation, development and implementation of the direction defined as “patient-oriented medicine” in the scientific and practical segments of healthcare are presented. It reflects not only the historical aspect of
this semantic plot, but also gives a characteristic of the diverse models of interaction between subjects – a doctor and a patient.
The analysis of definitions of “patient-oriented medicine” in the framework of foreign and domestic scientific schools, as well as
the analysis of the relationship of the pattern with the new concept of health care development – 4P-medicine is given. The structure of the 4R-medicine concept is characterized, the ideological implications of the prospects for its development are given. The legislative and organizational initiatives for the development of patient-oriented medicine are outlined.