Articles with tag: «time of admission»

    Foreign experience
  • 2017 № 5 Study of workload and working time costs of general practitioners in healthcare organizations in Kazakhstan

    The article presents the results of a chronometric analysis of patients from the Karaganda policlinic, while analyzing and studying the costs of the doctor’s working hours for performing various labor operations. In addition, the main factors influencing the duration of admission of general practitioners of primary care organizations were identified, and we also compiled a forecast of the duration of GPs’ admission, depending on the treatment of some variables. Statistical analysis determined the main factors affecting the duration of admission of patients by GPs. These include the Communicative Factor or Component 1, Operating Procedures or Component 2, and Working with Documentation or Component 3

    Authors: Son I. M. [39] Mergentay A. [1] Kulov D. B. [1] Bekembaeva G. S. [1] Koikov V. V. [1] Omarkulov B. K. [2] Musina G. A. [1]

    Tags: disease3 dispensary observation3 patient13 population5 time of admission1

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