Articles with tag: «program»

    Management in healthcare
  • 2020 № 5 Basis of a programmatic approach to ensuringthe quality and safety of antitumor treatment

    The article presents the rationale for the introduction of a single territorial approach to improving the oncological service of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania on the basis of the “Program for the management of quality and safety of anti-tumor treatment” (Program). The program is based on the principles of quality management, on the industrial model of managing a medical organization and should help increase the efficiency of the entire oncology service of the region

    Authors: A.  M.  Кarsanov [1] A.  V.  Khasigov [1] A.  A.  Kultchiev [1]

    Tags: antitumor treatment1 oncology7 patient safety2 program2 quality management2

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  • 2019 № 8 Public Health Management in the Context of the Implementation of Preventive Health Programs

    In civil society, the features of which are manifested in the country, state bodies and society are increasingly paying attention to the problems of formation, preservation and promotion of health of healthy people of different age groups. The purpose of the study is to determine the role of the nurse of General practice (family medicine), hereinafter – OPSM, in the public administration of the formation of public health of residents of family-territorial areas receiving medical services in OPSM institutions. The objectives of this study is to study the role of nurses OPSM as partners of family doctors to provide medical care to patients on the basis of etiotropic, pathogenetic and sanogenetic therapy of various diseases; implementation of medical care of patients and healthy people of different age groups, in relation to biological, psychological, social and emotional spheres of man; prevent the impact of inadequate behavior of patients or healthy people not only on their health, but also the health of the territorial community.

    Authors: Sazhin V. L. [1]

    Tags: health care24 medical services5 population5 program2 public health8

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