Articles with tag: «forms and terms of rendering of medical aid»

  • 2018 № 5 About the legality of the payment for the provision of medical care in the emergency form

    The journal “Health Manager” published an article by Kadyrov F. N. and Sorokina Yu. A, which contains the statement that in the emergency form of medical care can be provided at the expense of personal funds of citizens. Often the uncertainty of legal norms leads to their ambiguous understanding and creates the possibility of their various applications. However, with regard to the possibility of providing medical assistance in an emergency form for a fee, the existing legal norms clearly do not allow such a possibility. The author believes that the publication contains a wrong interpretation of the legal norms that promotes intensive commercialization of public health institutions, but does not support citizens of a special category – who are in danger and in a helpless state

    Authors: Perkhov V. I. [20]

    Tags: emergency medical assistance1 forms and terms of rendering of medical aid1 obligatory medical insurance3 providing medical assistance in emergency form1 types1

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