All articles by O. A. Bernatovich
2020 № 3 Standard operating procedures as the nursing acitivies quality and safety assurance system component
Nursing is a cornerstone component of the high-quality medical care organization assurance within a medical institution general activity. Standard operating procedures (SOP) when implemented into the nurse practice helps to standardize the performance of individual medical procedures. The SOP related activities results can be easily monitored and assessed. The most frequent activities to be assigned to SOPs are subcutaneous, intradermal, intravenous, intramuscular administration of drugs and solutions, taking blood from a finger, administering drugs with enemas, etc. The main advantages SOPs application include minimizing the risk of a contractor misunderstanding their duties, comparability and compliance with regulatory requirements assurance. International standards, Russian federal state standards (GOST), industry standards (procedures medical care, medical standards assurance), regional regulatory documents (orders, orders, regulations) are used as the basis to create a SOP. SOPs implementation in conjunction with the continuous nurses training, comprehensive material and technical equipment provision of medical institutions will contribute to improving the quality and safety of their activities.