All articles by Nesvetailo N. Ya.
2023 № 5 Provision of the medical statistics service with qualified personnel.
The implementation of the tasks of the medical statistics service is an integral part of the health care management process, as well as methodological support of the management vertical in the system [2, 3]. The quality of medical statistical and analytical data depends primarily on the personnel component of the medical statistics service. Currently, medical statistics are developing in the context of significant organizational changes in the healthcare system [1], which determines the priority of providing the service with qualified personnel [5].
The purpose of the study: to study the availability of qualified personnel engaged in professional activities in medical statistics.
Materials and methods. The data of the Federal statistical observation form No. 30 “Information about a medical organization” were used for the study.
Statistical and analytical methods were used in the study.
Results. The Medical Statistics Service performs one of the key roles in the management of a medical organization and the healthcare industry as a whole. In medical organizations, statistical document management is carried out by specialists of departments (offices) of medical statistics, which make up the medical statistics service as a whole. The key specialists of the service are statisticians and medical statisticians.
The analysis of the indicator of the availability of qualified personnel of the medical statistics service shows its stable decline. Thus, in the dynamics of the total indicator of the provision of statisticians and medical statisticians per 10 000 population in the Russian Federation from 2015 to 2021, there is a decrease in its level by 18,6% or from 0,86 0/000 to 0,700/000, including in outpatient settings by 24,4% or from 0,450/000 to 0,34 0/000, in stationary by 11,8% or from 0,34 0/000 to 0,30 0/000. By the end of 2021, the shortage of qualified specialists of the medical statistics service amounted to 44,3% of their total needs. A similar situation is observed in medical organizations for outpatient and inpatient medical care (45% and 42,6%, respectively). Simultaneously with the decrease in the staffing of the medical statistics service, an increase in the load on the specialist was revealed. Thus, in medical organizations providing medical care in outpatient and inpatient settings, the average load on a statistician and medical statistician is almost 1,5–2 times higher than the average standard.
Conclusions. The analysis of personnel changes in the medical statistics service indicates the need to improve approaches to the training and use of qualified personnel engaged in professional activities in medical statistics.