All articles by Kosolapov A. A.
2016 № 5 Overview of the implementation of a policy to provide neurosurgery medical care for adult population in Ryasan region
The quality and accessibility of medical care affect improving health, social and economic efficiency and directly dependent on the optimal organization of medical care on the basis of developed and approved procedures of medical care. The number of beds and neuro-surgical profile doctors-neuro-surgeons in the Ryazan region, are lower than the national average. In General, in the Ryazan region observed the procedure of rendering of medical aid to adult population the profile of «neurosurgery». To improve the quality and efficiency of neurosurgical care is necessary to conduct a number of organizational measures.
2017 № 3 Quality analysis of specialized medical aid for patients with craniocerebral injury in medical institutions of the Ryazan region
The article contains the results of target and topical medical aid quality evaluation for patients with brain injury. According to the results of the expert quality report of 265 clinical records of patients with craniocerebral injuries, 59.2% of the cases had medical aid defects, that didn’t affect the patient’s health, such as: incomplete examination provided by clinical practice guidelines and by approved medical standards – absence of medical specialist consultation or it’s delay; and absence of recommendations on further treatment and rehabilitation during inpatient discharge. Based on the data, obtained from the expert quality judgement of medical aid, suggestions on improving specialized medical aid for patients with craniocerebral injury were made.