Patients satisfaction evaluation in healthcare organization (ICDC experience)

Published: 2018-07-27

    Social aspects of health
  • This article studies the experience of the ‘Interregional clinic and diagnostic center’ (ICDC) in the area of patients satisfaction level evaluation and the specific character of satisfaction evaluation in healthcare. The object: to find out frameworks in the patients satisfaction evaluation. Materials and methods: analysis of scientific literature, statistic data of the patients satisfaction evaluation and results of medical and economic activity of the ICDC. Results and conclusions: it was found out that the biggest amount of strong correlations have 4 components of survey on satisfaction evaluation: ‘Professionalism of doctor’, ‘Attitude of doctor’, ‘Appearance of doctor’ and ‘Results of surgi¬cal treatment’. The presence of big amount of strong correlations between these and others components allows us to draw a conclusion about systemic character of these components in the satisfaction structure. A significant effect of external subjective factors on the results of patient’s satisfaction evaluation was observed, such as politeness, tactfulness of doctor and nurse, their appearance. It was determined that the level of patients evaluation is associated with figures of economic activity of a healthcare institution. There is a strong positive correlation between them

    Authors: Kupriyanov R. V. [6] Zharkova E. V. [3] Khairullin R. N. [6]

    Tags: healthcare institutions1 nocebo1 patients' satisfaction2 placebo1




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