Articles with tag: «electronic medical records»
2016 № 1 Research of the possible effects of the introduction of an integrated health information system in the health care institutions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The article presents the results of a study evaluating the effect of the introduction according to the doctors and nurses who work with complex medical information system in three health care institutions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. We analyze some effects identified.
2017 № 1 Infrastructure health informatization Tula region.
The experience of development the Regional Medical Information System is analyzed as an example RMIS Tulsa region. The aims of implementation works are substantiated on the development of components of the system, the tasks are formulated standing before the RMIS, three-unit architecture RMIS is offered like a structure that best matches the aims, principles of functioning and tasks the RMIS. Statistical data about intermediate results of implementation the RMIS are analyzed, that showing correctness made decisions on designing and realization the RMIS. The variant of staffing the RMIS is offered.