Articles with tag: «swot-analysis»

    Management in healthcare
  • 2019 № 6 Experience of practical use of SWOT analysis when organizing a medical department based on a fitness center

    Abstract. SWOT analysis - relevant today strategic management can be actively used in the health care organization. Nevertheless, a full formal analysis is hampered by a number of factors, among which are high financial and time-consuming. Another difficulty in carrying out quantitative assessments will be the risk of creating an” impression” of a unique solution, without taking into account the subjective factor during the determination of weight coefficients. At the same time, this type of analysis remains a good working tool when using it to make a decision and identify key aspects of the organization’s strategy. This article provides an example of the practical use of the method of SWOT analysis with the subsequent implementation of the developed recommendations. A full Swot-analysis was conducted to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the creation of a medical unit on the basis of a modern fitness center. Specific recommendations were created after ranking the factors by importance. The analysis confirmed the feasibility of establishing a medical department, which can increase the number of consumers of services with high margins. Taking into account the obtained data, the implementation of the recommendations was carried out and the relevance of the use of this management tool in the health care organization was confirmed. The final result of the practical application of swot analysis was the expansion of the market at the expense of patients in need of rehabilitation and preventive measures.

    Authors: Valiev A. Sh. [1] Sharafutdinova N. Kh. [2] Galikeeva A. Sh [1]

    Tags: fitness1 preventive  care  in  the  fitness center1 rehabilitation5 strategic  management  in  medicine1 swot-analysis3

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  • Management in health care
  • 2017 № 4 SWOT-analysis in the practice of forming the main directions of counteraction to the spread of HIV infection

    The paper presents the results of a strategic analysis of the system of medical care for HIV-infected patients at the regional level. The data of the analysis on the basis of expert assessments made it possible to identify the key areas for counteracting the spread of HIV infection in the region. The results of the research show the priority of the program activities to improve the material and technical and personnel support of medical organizations that provide medical and social assistance to patients with HIV infection, as well as activities aimed at raising awareness and attracting the population of the region to HIV testing

    Authors: Moskvicheva M. G. [5] Radzikhovskaya M. V. [1] Podymova A. S. [1] Luchinina C. V. [1]

    Tags: hiv infection1 swot-analysis3 the program to combat the spread of hiv infection1

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  • 2016 № 1 SWOT analysis as an instrument of strategic planning while enhancing private medical clinic diagnostic service

    The analysis of the reorganization of diagnostic service of a big Chelyabinsk private medical clinic by means of joining of a high-profitable ultrasound diagnostic department and endoscopic cabinets with low marginal profitability in the one whole. SWOT-analysis gave basis for pointing out inner and outer factors, influencing the diagnostic service development. As a result of two previously separated material development funds and introducing the system of complex examination of patients the material basis of the whole department was strengthened, that caused economic efficiency at its activity, analysed with the help of profitability markers: assets, production and selling.

    Authors: Moskvicheva M. G. [5] Berezhkov D. V. [1]

    Tags: diagnostic examination1 economic efficiency7 private medical clinic1 swot-analysis3

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