Articles with tag: «socio-economic development of regions»

    Economics of health
  • 2016 № 7 Analysis of mortality rates in the groups of regions with different levels of socio-economic development

    The article compares the mortality rates in the 2 groups of Russian regions that differ in terms of socioeconomic development. Material and methods. The division of regions into 2 groups performed on the basis of the rating of socio-economic situation of the regions, developed by the Rating agency «RIA Rating», included in the media holding «Russia Today» (RIA Rating, 2015). We analyzed standardized mortality rates (the whole population, men, women), age-specific death rates in subgroups of 20–39 years, 40–59let, 60–69 years: a) from all causes; b) from causes related to alcohol and drugs; c) from external causes; g) from a group of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The authors conclude that there are significant differences in mortality between the two groups of regions.

    Authors: Tret’yakov V. V. [1] Samorodskaya I. V. [7] Boytsov S. A. [7]

    Tags: mortality21 socio-economic development of regions1

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