Articles with tag: «premarital sex»

    Personnel management
  • 2014 № 10 The health statement of students in medical and pharmaceuticals colleges in Russia (Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia; Sxizranskiy Medical college, Sxizran, Russia; Kuznetskiy Medical College, Kuznetsk, Russia; Department of medical education and personnel policies in health care of Ministry of Health care of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)

    The study of the health of students of medical colleges run by the complex medical and demographic and socio-sanitary program, which included an assessment of the influence on it together regional demographic, environmental, social and economic prerequisites for registered biomedical characteristics of the organism. The study was developed and tested a complex methodology that takes into account medical and demographic and socio-hygienic characteristics as bases for the study of health, structure and disease, and to identify the health status depending on the conditions and the way of life of students of medical colleges. The results of the study, which involved more than 180 000 students from 347 medical colleges and technical schools of the Russian Federation. Representativeness of the sample was provided with a statistical error of 5%. Minimum sample size for the study of the views of college students estimated adjusted for finite population is 120 thousand observations.

    Authors: Kupeeva I. A. [7] Dvoyinikov S. I. [1] Ponomareva L. A. [1] Abbysov I. H. [1] Dudinxeva N. V. [1]

    Tags: physical development of students1 premarital sex1 the health of students1 the role of behavior1

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