Automated analytics in healthcare
  • 2020 № 2 Artificial intelligence technologies in medicine and healthcare: Russia’s position on the global patent and publication landscape

    An overview of public policy measures aimed at the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the world and in Russia is presented. In order to evaluate the competitiveness of domestic developments created for the use of AI technologies in medicine and healthcare, a scientometric and patent analysis of the direction for the period 2010–2019 was performed. Based on the analysis of research fronts using the Essential science indicators methodology, the most promising research strategies have been identified. It is shown that on the global publishing landscape, Russia occupies the 27th position in the world by the number of publications devoted to the use of AI in healthcare: Russian researchers account for less than 1% of publications indexed in the Web of science. To enter the top 5 countries in terms of publication activity in this thematic cluster, Russia needs to increase the number of publications by more than 6 times. Of the 16 companies in whose publications the participation of Russian authors are indicated, 13 are foreign. In General, only 14% of publications in the thematic category “Computer science, artificial intelligence” were made in collaboration with the industrial sector. In the landscape formed by patent documents that protect technical solutions in the field of AI in medicine, Russia takes positions that do not confirm its intention to fight for promising markets for goods and services created on the basis of these technologies. In the field of medical AI developments, the number of Russian patents issued to non-residents of the country significantly exceeds the number of holders of domestic patents. Only 12 patents of Russian developers оn AI technologies for healthcare issued by foreign patent offices were found.

    Authors: Tsvetkova L. A. [4] Cherchenko. О. V. [2] Kurakova N. G. [5]

    Tags: artificial intelligence10 healthcare8 medicine7 patent activity2 public  policy  measures1 publication  activity1 research  fronts1

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  • Information support of medical research
  • 2016 № 1 Evaluating the perspectives for development of scientific journals, published in RUSSIAN SCIENCE CITATION INDEX on the Web of Science platform.

    «Physicians and informational technologies» journal was included in the 652 best Russian scientific-periodical journals, composing the collection of Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). This collection was presented at the end of 2015 on the Web of Science (WoS) platform. This article describes the objectives, methodology for selecting journals and perspectives of the project’s development. Particular attention is attributed to such vectors of development as possible switching listing of journals recognised by the Higher Attestation Commission to RSCI, possible usage of collection as a central one (nuclear) in Russian Index of Scientific Citation (by analogy of Web of Science Core Collection), methods of scientometric indicators of scientists and organisations, calculated only according to the RSCI file, to create models for targeted and contest financing of research and inventions in the Russian Federation.

    Authors: Tsvetkova L. A. [4] Kurakova N. G. [5]

    Tags: methodology for selection1 nuclear collections1 project «golden thousand» russian index of scientific citation1 russian science citation index1 scientific journals1 web of science core collection1

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  • Telemedicine
  • 2020 № S5 Telemedicine technologies: prospects and limitations

    In the context of rapid technological progress, the outlines of the prospects for the development of telemedicine
    technologies are becoming more and more clear. At the same time, changes in the organizational, legal and economic spheres often do not keep up with technological changes. This was especially evident in the conditions of the spread of the COVID‑19 coronavirus.
    The article contains an analysis of the features of telemedicine technologies application in modern conditions, prospects and obstacles that arise in this area.

    Authors: Starodubov V. I. [5] Kurakova N. G. [5] Kadyrov F. N. [4] Chililov A. M. [4] Kobyakova О. S. [2]

    Tags: compulsory medical insurance2 covid‑19 coronavirus infection1 medical care6 remote monitoring3 telemedicine technologies5

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  • 2020 № 3 Economic aspects of providing medical care using telemedicine technologies

    The aim of the research is to study the economic aspects of telemedicine technologies application, taking into account
    the experience of other countries; to develop methodological approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of telemedicine technologies; to analyze the features of evaluating the effectiveness of telemedicine technologies in the conditions of COVID‑19 coronavirus spread. Methodological approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of telemedicine technologies are proposed.
    The additional costs and benefits of using telemedicine technologies are analyzed in the context of the main participants: the state, medical organizations, doctors, and patients. The additional costs of introducing telemedicine technologies are estimated in terms of their belonging to the so-called “necessary costs” or investments that have different economic content . The proposals developed by the authors allow us to more correctly assess the effectiveness of investments in the provision of telemedicine services and, thus, choose the most optimal options.

    Authors: Starodubov V. I. [5] Kurakova N. G. [5] Kadyrov F. N. [4] Chililov A. M. [4] Kobyakova О. S. [2]

    Tags: benefits1 economic efficiency1 investments1 medical care6 savings1 telemedicine technologies5

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  • 2020 № 2 Legal problems of telemedicine technologies application in the context of fighting the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus

    The purpose of the research is to analyze the legal problems of using telemedicine technologies, taking into account the experience of other countries; to assess the limitations of using telemedicine technologies in preventing the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus; to develop approaches to overcome existing restrictions in this area.
    The authors consider the system of legal relations that arise between various participants in the provision of telemedicine services, focusing on international experience in this field.
    On the example of the Russian Federation, the analysis of legal restrictions for the development of telemedicine technologies, which are typical for other countries, is carried out. A number of common problems of implementing telemedicine technologies are identified, as well as the specifics of legal regulation of telemedicine services in the Russian Federation.
    Measures are proposed to overcome a number of legal restrictions in the use of telemedicine services related to licensing, labor legislation, etc.

    Authors: Kurakova N. G. [5] Kadyrov F. N. [4] Chililov A. M. [4]

    Tags: diagnosis4 informatization2 legal  restrictions1 legislation2 medical care6 regulatory  framework1 telemedicine17

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